Registration Form, Guidelines & Rules
Youth aged 10-17 can learn the art of sailing!
Our program offers a fun and positive atmosphere for learning both sailing and life skills. Instructors help students safely expand their confidence through small accomplishments and self-discovery.
The program is designed to teach introductory sailing and beyond. Each student will have their own Sabot, a size just right for young sailors. They are 8-foot-long sailboats that are lightweight, relatively safe and stable. These craft are so easy to operate that they are used in many youth sailing programs. This program builds self-esteem and personal confidence in a fun-filled stimulating environment.
New Students start with Beginning Sailing, which includes learning the ‘ropes’ and knots, learning the parts of the boat, observing wind and weather, sailing every day using basic skills such as tacking, reaching, and running. By the end of the week, students are able to race using the standard sailing commands.
Students continue with Intermediate Sailing, which includes the review of all the beginning skills, plus practicing more difficult maneuvers, such as circling the island and standing up to sail! Every day includes a race.
Confident Students continue with Advanced Sailing which focuses on further tactics for racing and lots of practice.
Students may register for all three sessions or repeat sessions if desired.
SESSIONS MUST BE TAKEN IN ORDER – students from previous years may start at any level.
Class size is limited to 12 students.
Class time is from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday each week.
The Fee for each five-day session is $125 per participant.
Scholarships are available to students truly interested in learning to sail. Two questions are asked of the student (not the parent): How did you first learn about sailing? Why are you interested in sailing? Please answer these questions in an email by way of CONTACT US page!
PLEASE read all the information on this page. Many of your questions are answered below.
How to Register:
Registration Form
- Download the Registration Form and Rules
- Fill in all the information required and sign.
- Make a copy of the signed Form.
- Make check payable to RCSP
- Mail in one of the forms with your check to register in the class to:
- RCSP c/o Linda Lawyer, 5690 Old Ranch Road, Riverside, CA 92504
- We will confirm by email or phone when we receive it.
- Use the other copy at the swimming test to be signed off by Lifeguard.
- Bring the form with the swimming test signed off to the first day of class.
- Be ready to LEARN TO SAIL!!!
Please read the rules attached to the registration form. Also note that every NEW student is required to demonstrate their swimming ability to a Lifeguard at Bobby Bonds Pool, 2030 University Avenue.
FIRST-TIME STUDENTS MUST pass the SWIM test given by a Lifeguard at
Bobby Bonds Pool, 2030 University Ave
- Take the test fully clothed with shoes, jump in, swim 20 feet and climb up the ladder.
- You and the Lifeguard will sign the statement on the Registration Form.
PARENTS, we must have Your signature, the Student’s, and the Lifeguard’s signatures on the Registration form. Be sure to read all the Rules.
Class Schedule
Session # | Lesson Dates | Lesson Type | Open/Closed |
1 | June 10 – 14 | Beginning | Complete |
2 | June 17 – 21 | Beginning | Complete |
3 | June 24 – 28 | Intermediate | Complete |
– | July 3 – 7 – no lessons | Independence Day Week | no lessons |
4 | July 8 – 12 | Beginning | Complete |
5 | July 15 – 19 | Beginning | Complete |
6 | July 22 – 26 | Intermediate | Cancelled |
7 | July 29 – August 2 | Advanced | Registration open |
2024 SummersCool Camp
Ahoy! Welcome to the Riverside Community Sailing Program!
‘The primary function of our program is to teach introductory sailing skills, with emphasis on youths, in a controlled, fun and educational environment, to promote safety and knowledge for a lifetime of boating enjoyment and encourage the highest level of sportsmanship and seamanship in all aspects of sailing.’
- SummersCool Camp is held at the Izaak Walton Building in Fairmount Park, across from the Golf Course.
- Daily Classes are from 9 am till 1 pm, Monday through Friday for each weekly session.
- Students must be 10 or older.
- If a session is cancelled, your fee will be refunded.
- Our Staff is ready to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask any questions or seek help when needed!
- Instructor: Teaches students in the classroom and on the water.
- Onshore Coach: Keeps records of students, aids in all aspects of lessons.
- Boat Manager: Keeps boats in order, helps launch & retrieve them, and overall safety officer.
- Volunteer Aides: Qualified sailors who help with various aspects of the lessons.
- Classes Begin at 9 a.m. Pick up time is 1 p.m. Please be prompt! We start and end on time!
- Parents and family are welcome at any time.
- On Fridays we have a class party – you will get a certificate of completion with class photos!
- Have fun! You will be surprised at your confidence level as you learn to sail on your own!
- Wear Shoes, NOT flip flops. You need safe footwear to walk on the dock.
- Wear lightweight, light colored comfortable clothing. You’ll be in the sun most of the time!
- Bring water, a sun hat, sunscreen, & wear eyewear retainer (croakie) with glasses & sunglasses.
- Be sure to bring a healthy snack for the break at about 10:30 am. We have water available.
- It’s OK to bring your phone but it must stay in your backpack during class!
PLEASE NOTE: Due to new rulings from U.S. Sailing and the Riverside Park & Recreation Dept., we have upgraded our SAFETY REQUIREMENTS and RULES. We must be sure of your safety while you are in a boat and on the dock at the lake. Please read and remember!
Parents: Sailing requires a level of agility for safety on the dock and in the boat handling. You must tell the registrar and the instructors about any limitations or medical restrictions on your child’s participation. Students with Special Needs may need extra assistance by parents or family members.
SAFETY RULES: Be Respectful and Considerate.
- Sailing requires a high level of agility for safety on the dock and in-boat handling.
- To avoid injuries, you must obey the directions of your instructors and follow all the safety rules.
- You must think of your classmates’ safety as well as your own safety.
- Injuries can range from splinters, minor cuts, scrapes, or muscle strains to much more serious harm.
- There are basic risks in sailing that can cause an injury: you could slip and fall; you might be struck by part of a boat or mast; your boat may capsize, and you fall into the lake; you may hit another boat or have a collision.
- You will be exposed to heat and sun and could suffer sunburn and heat exhaustion.
- For these reasons you need to be aware! Our Staff will help with questions and problems.
Students must acknowledge these rules when classes start!
- Everyone participates as a Team member as well as being Skipper of their own Sabot.
- There is absolutely NO RUNNING.
- There is a lot of loose sand and small seeds that make the sidewalk very slippery.
- Students must wear full-vest life jackets while near the water.
- Students must protect themselves from UV rays by wearing sunblock, light-colored clothes, and hats.
- Students must wear closed toe shoes or closed toe sandals.
- Students must prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day.
- It is recommended to bring a labeled water bottle.)
- Students must stay focused and observe traffic from the boathouse to the dock or vice versa.
- Taking boats in and out of the water is when the most accidents happen.
- Students must learn to get in and out of the boat safely and quickly.
- Students are required to always stay with the group.
- Students must stay away from the edge of the Lake. Do not wander around or climb the palm trees.
- Any form of bullying will not be tolerated.
- When a Student needs to go to the restroom, they may be excused and must be escorted by staff.
- We know that students will follow the rules to continue with the lessons! Sailing is fun, challenging, and amazing too! Kids become more confident in their own boat following directions. We hope that each student will enjoy the class and learn some science, too.
P.S. Lake Evans was created in 1924 and has been a special sailing place ever since.
SummersCool is a very rare program here in the ‘desert’.