Annual Riverside Regatta
Lake Evans Centennial
- The Regatta, RCSP’s annual fundraiser, was started as a challenge by the Mayor and City Council members in 2008. They competed for The Perpetual Rubber Ducky Trophy, a distinctive honor for a fun time.
- The COVID year, 2020, changed the focus of the competition to other organizations and businesses who compete in the Regatta for a modest donation. Donation have come from the following organizations in the past.
Arrowhead Power and Sail Squadron
Riverside East Rotary Club
- The Exchange Club of Riverside
- Riverside Optimist Club
- Magnolia Center Rotary Club
- American Legion Post 179
- Uptown Kiwanis
- Kiwanis of Riverside
Victoria Avenue Forever
Riverside Community Flower Show
Your Villa Magazine
Law offices of Richard V Swanson
Riverside Lawn Bowling
- There are 3 Trophy Races:
- Donor groups & Service Clubs
- Our young Sailors who have learned their sailing skills from RCSP!
- Mayor and Council Members
- Snacks and water will be available.